How to Tell if You Need A New Roof?

Your roof can reach the end of its useful life without failing. It may look worn out or old but can hold up due to routine maintenance. If you put off a roof replacement project, you could end up with costly problems later.

Keep an eye out for the signs below to know when to replace your roof.

Signs You Need Roof Replacement

A few dents or spots in your residential roof don't necessarily warrant an urgent replacement. However, some signs are obvious and should prompt you to get a new roof, not a roof repair.

Arrange a roof replacement with roofing contractors the moment you spot these signs:

Your Notice Exterior Damage

If you have asphalt or wooden shingles, watch for signs of physical damage. Damage can manifest in different ways, mostly as missing, warped, or curling shingles. Metal, slate, clay, or EPDM roofs may develop cracks, dents, look thin, or appear worn out.

Even if there are no signs of roof damage, arranging a visual inspection every few years is essential. As your roofer examines the roof shingles, they will also pay attention to areas vulnerable to damage, starting with your roof's slope.

They will also check the valleys where the roof slopes meet. If the valleys have signs of damage, your roof could start leaking. A crucial component of any roofing structure is that the valley directs rainwater into gutters and away from your walls.

Check the gutters and downspouts for shingle or roof granules. If you notice them, that's a sure sign your roof is wearing away. Granules can come off during a hail storm and leave bald spots around the roof's surface.

Ask your roofing contractor to investigate the problem and confirm whether hail damage is to blame, as this can create a ground for filing a claim for roof replacement with your insurance company.

Water Damage In the Attic (or Upstairs)

When water gets into your home, it will cause damage. Peeling wall paint, grey, brown, or yellow stains, and moisture markers are indications of interior damage due to a leaky roof.

Take a peek into your attic, and look for damp rafters or leaks. But don't go too far.

Call your roofer in Frisco, TX, to inspect your home. A simple inspection will uncover minor damage before turning into a bigger problem.

Raptor Roofing & Windows has trained roofing technicians that can get up on the roof and check for damage and other roof-related problems. We will tell you whether your metal, shingle, or asphalt roofing needs replacement and give you a breakdown of the re-roofing cost.

Roof Has Saggy or Droopy Spots

Saggy spots on your roof are an unmistakable sign that your roof deck - the support structure that holds the roofing system - is deteriorating due to moisture and needs replacement.

If the decking has a little bounce like a trampoline's, climb down and contact your roofing professionals immediately.

Residential Roof Looks Old and Worn

If your metal roof is old, contact a local roofing company for a roof replacement estimate. A roof that's old or worn-out is a roof that is potentially weak and defective.

Asphalt shingles typically last for 20-50 years. Metals roofs will give you uninterrupted service for 40-80 years. Concrete or clay tiles, one durable roofing material, will last 50-100 years, while slate has 60-175 years of useful life.

With good care, wood shakes and shingles will protect your home for 25-30 years.

Timely and proper shingle or metal roofing replacement can help you catch any problems lurking beneath your roofing materials and will add more years to your roofing system.

You can replace your entire roof or overlay the old shingles in your asphalt shingle roof with ones. Overlaying an existing layer of shingles costs 25% less than a complete roof replacement.

Neighbors Are Re-Roofing their Homes

If your neighbors scramble to put new roofs over their heads, take that as a cue to replace your roof. Roof repairs may fix minor issues but won't address the underlying problems.

Homes built around the same era might experience the same kind of weather-related problems and may near their useful life at the same time.

Contact your local roofer to inspect your roof and tell whether a complete roof replacement is needed. Raptor Roofing & Windows offers expert residential roofing services and will tackle your roofing project with utmost dedication.

Moss and Dark Streaks

Algae in the air can cause dark streaks to appear on your roof. While the organisms may not harm your roof immediately, they surely make it look dull and ugly.

Moss can also sprout on your roof's surface, especially if the roof is damp or doesn't receive enough sunlight. More than a cosmetic issue, moss will retain moisture and cause problems during the winter months.

How Much Does Roof Replacement Cost?

The roof replacement cost depends on the type of material, the size of your home, and the scope of the roof project. A partial roof replacement will cost a fraction of a full roof replacement as it requires fewer materials and hours to complete the job.

After inspecting your roof, your roofer can give you a fair estimate of the job.

Eager to Do Roofing Replacement in Frisco & McKinney, TX? We Can Help Replace Your Roofing Shingles

Damaged shingles, sagging spots, moss patches, and exterior damage are all indications to perform a roof replacement.

Contact the roofing experts at Raptor Roofing & Windows for a free inspection.

We'll tell you what's ailing your old roof and whether it's best to replace it now. With over 3 decades of experience in roof installation and residential roof replacement, we can handle your re-roofing job to your satisfaction and even help with your insurance claim.

We can work on your metal roofs and shingle roof. Call us to request a free estimate or learn how we can replace your old asphalt roof. Our team will give you a breakdown of roof replacement costs before the project starts.